Monday, October 6, 2008

Getting closer!

I just got the call from the RE's office.  My estrogen is 4543, but I'm "not quite ready" so I'm to continue taking the same does of Gonal F.  They measured 14 follicles ranging in size from 13.5 to 17.  She told me all of the measurements, but she was talking so fast I didn't catch them all.  Tomorrow I go in for another sonogram and hopefully I'll be "ready" and can do my trigger shot tomorrow night.  That will put the retrieval on Thursday as planned.  I can't believe we're getting so close!!! :D

1 comment:

Amber said...

Hi, this is Amber from MooreMoms...Ive never known anyone personally who did surrogacy, so I will be following your blog to see what its like! Good luck!